A heartfelt interview with Ryan Flatt, PT, DPT, about the youngest patient he’s ever had, Teegan. The two formed a strong bond over the years. Teegan helped him understand how unique and crucial pediatric physical therapy truly is.

Ryan Flatt, PT, DPT in Teton Therapy’s Lander clinic with his littlest patient, Teegan
Q: How old was Teegan when he first came to see you?
A: He was only three months old. Now he is three years old! He has been my patient for three years, and I have known him his whole life.
Why did Teegan’s parents bring him to see you three years ago?
Teegan was born without the use of his left hip and knee. This made it difficult for him to start rolling, crawling, sitting up, and stay on schedule for developmental milestones expected in his first year.

Ryan Flatt, PT, DPT in the Teton Therapy Lander clinic with his littlest patient, Teegan.
What is your favorite memory of working with him? Was there a moment that really struck you?
Any memory of Teegan reaching a goal to make himself more independent has been rewarding. When we first started working with him when he was a baby, you could tell he was motivated to move, and it has been fun being able to help him along the way. His first time rolling or crawling in the clinic was exciting. I think seeing him walk on his crutches on his own was probably my favorite moment (so far).
What has it been like to form a bond not only with Teegan, but also with his parents?
Teegan has remarkable parents that are so devoted to their kids. I’m just glad I can help them along the way.
In your opinion, what is unique and special about working with pediatric physical therapy patients?
Helping the pediatric population is a different experience compared to treating other populations. We are helping to prevent future difficulties later in life and there is a unique responsibility in that. Also, it takes a different approach to bond with a pediatric patient to reach their goals and make them successful.
From his stylish clothes and feisty personality, to hitting his major milestones, Teegan has brought nothing but joy to the employees at Teton Therapy.
The therapists at Teton Therapy are dedicated to helping every child live happier, healthier, more independent lives. If you, or someone you know, might benefit from physical or occupational therapy, don’t hesitate to call Teton Therapy today. If you’re not sure or would like more information, schedule a free consultation.